Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Latest OC-171 Operating Schedule

I’ve come up with an updated operating schedule that makes best use of the current propagation here in north Queensland so that North America, Asia and Europe all get a chance of working OC-171.

The focus will be SSB, I don’t do CW but I may do some RTTY and PSK31 if I’m not getting through on SSB. I’ll be using vertical antenna, so there’s no need to worry about beam headings, it’s all up to band choice and propagation.  

I’ll be arriving on Magnetic Island at 4pm local time (0600 UTC) on Friday afternoon and I hope to have the station operational by 0800 UTC which is my greyline at sunset. So the operating schedule will be:

Friday December 10th (UTC)

0600 UTC arrive at island and assemble station

0800-0900 UTC 40m (for America's) or 15m (for Europe) 
0900-1100 UTC 40m
1100-1300 UTC 40m (for America's) or 20m (for Europe) 
1300-1700 UTC 20m
1700-2000 UTC 40m
2000-2300 UTC sleep
2300-0000 UTC 15m

Saturday December 11th (UTC)

0000-0700 UTC 15m
0700-0800 UTC 10m or 15m
0800-0900 UTC 40m (for America's) or 15m (for Europe) 
0900-1100 UTC 40m
1100-1300 UTC 40m (for America's) or 20m (for Europe) 
1300-1700 UTC 20m
1700-2000 UTC 40m
2000-2300 UTC sleep
2300-0000 UTC 15m

Sunday December 12th (UTC)

0000-0700 UTC 15m
0700-0800 UTC 10m or 15m
0800-0900 UTC 40m (for America's) or 15m (for Europe) 
0900-1100 UTC 40m
1100-1300 UTC 40m (for America's) or 20m (for Europe) 
1300-1700 UTC 20m
1700-2000 UTC 40m
2000 UTC go QRT and dismantle station
2200 UTC depart island

I’ll be sleeping at 2000-2300 UTC, this will be my ONLY time to sleep. I know that this is a time for long path North America on 20m, however I’m pretty sure that the hills to my south west will block this path. If I can work into the America’s at this time, then I’ll just stay on air during this 60 hour period until I drop – hi hi!

At times when there’s propagation to North America, I’ll be listening above 7175, 14225 and 21275 for the US Generals.

I’ll have internet access and so I can spot myself on the DX cluster to let everyone know where I am.

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